
Spark Funds is an asset management company. It wants to make investments in a few companies. The CEO of Spark Funds wants to understand the global trends in investments so that she can take the investment decisions effectively.

Spark Funds has few minor constraints for investments:

It wants to invest between 5 to 15 million USD per round of investment

It wants to invest only in English-speaking countries because of the ease of communication with the companies it would invest in.

It wants to choose one investment type from the 4 major types (Seed, Angel, Venture, Private Equity) for each potential investment they make.

What is the strategy?

Spark Funds wants to invest where most other investors are investing. This pattern is often observed among early stage startup investors.

Where did we get the data from?

We have taken real investment data from


Name: companies.csv
Desc: A table with basic data of companies (Company details)

Name: rounds2.csv
Desc: Contains details about companies funding per round.

Name: mapping.csv
Desc: This file maps the numerous category names in the companies table (such 3D printing, aerospace, agriculture, etc.) to eight broad sector names. The purpose is to simplify the analysis into eight sector buckets, rather than trying to              analyse hundreds of them.

Business objective

The objective is to identify the best sectors, countries, and a suitable investment type for making investments. The overall strategy is to invest where others are investing, implying that the 'best' sectors and countries are the ones 'where most investors are investing'.

Importing Relevant Packages

In [47]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'

Importing datasets

On observation we see that file is encoded using multiple encoding types (maybe because the ‘company_permalink’ column contains names of companies in various countries, and hence various languages).

In [2]:
# encoding specified to get rid of encoding issues for specific rows
companies = pd.read_csv("\\companies.txt", sep='\t', encoding="ISO-8859-1")
rounds2 = pd.read_csv("\\rounds2.csv", encoding="ISO-8859-1")
sect_map = pd.read_csv("\\mapping.csv")
In [3]:
permalink name homepage_url category_list status country_code state_code region city founded_at
0 /Organization/-Fame #fame Media operating IND 16 Mumbai Mumbai NaN
1 /Organization/-Qounter :Qounter Application Platforms|Real Time|Social Network... operating USA DE DE - Other Delaware City 04-09-2014
2 /Organization/-The-One-Of-Them-Inc- (THE) ONE of THEM,Inc. Apps|Games|Mobile operating NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 /Organization/0-6-Com Curated Web operating CHN 22 Beijing Beijing 01-01-2007
4 /Organization/004-Technologies 004 Technologies Software operating USA IL Springfield, Illinois Champaign 01-01-2010
In [4]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 66368 entries, 0 to 66367
Data columns (total 10 columns):
permalink        66368 non-null object
name             66367 non-null object
homepage_url     61310 non-null object
category_list    63220 non-null object
status           66368 non-null object
country_code     59410 non-null object
state_code       57821 non-null object
region           58338 non-null object
city             58340 non-null object
founded_at       51147 non-null object
dtypes: object(10)
memory usage: 5.1+ MB
In [5]:
permalink name homepage_url category_list status country_code state_code region city founded_at
count 66368 66367 61310 63220 66368 59410 57821 58338 58340 51147
unique 66368 66102 61191 27296 4 137 311 1092 5111 3978
top /Organization/Results-Scorecard Spire Software operating USA CA SF Bay Area San Francisco 01-01-2012
freq 1 4 5 3995 53034 37601 12900 8804 3526 2730
In [6]:
# Nan values for every column in Companies dataset
permalink            0
name                 1
homepage_url      5058
category_list     3148
status               0
country_code      6958
state_code        8547
region            8030
city              8028
founded_at       15221
dtype: int64

company_permalink column has upper/lower case entries. Should standardize it to lower case.

In [7]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 114949 entries, 0 to 114948
Data columns (total 6 columns):
company_permalink          114949 non-null object
funding_round_permalink    114949 non-null object
funding_round_type         114949 non-null object
funding_round_code         31140 non-null object
funded_at                  114949 non-null object
raised_amount_usd          94959 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), object(5)
memory usage: 5.3+ MB
In [8]:
# Nan values for every column in rounds2 dataset
company_permalink              0
funding_round_permalink        0
funding_round_type             0
funding_round_code         83809
funded_at                      0
raised_amount_usd          19990
dtype: int64

Finding uniques and creating a combined MasterFrame

In [5]:
companies.permalink = companies.permalink.str.encode('utf-8').str.decode('ascii', 'ignore') # Removing problematic characters
companies.permalink = companies.permalink.apply(lambda x: x.lower())  # To lower

print(f"There are {companies.permalink.nunique()} unique rows in companies table.")
There are 66368 unique rows in companies table.
In [6]:
rounds2.company_permalink = rounds2.company_permalink.str.encode('utf-8').str.decode('ascii', 'ignore') # Removing problematic characters
rounds2.company_permalink = rounds2.company_permalink.apply(lambda x: x.lower()) # To lower

print(f"There are {companies.permalink.nunique()} unique rows in rounds2 table.")
There are 66368 unique rows in rounds2 table.
In [7]:
def check_for_equality(a, b):
    Checks if all values between two Series/Dataframes are same.
    Returns disimilliar values if they or not.

    seta = set(a.flatten())
    setb = set(b.flatten())
    print(f"A: {len(seta)}, B: {len(setb)}, Intersection: {len(seta.intersection(setb))}")
    if len(seta - setb) > 0:
        print(seta - setb)
        print(setb - seta)
    else: print("They are the same")
check_for_equality(companies.permalink.unique(), rounds2.company_permalink.unique())
A: 66368, B: 66368, Intersection: 66365
{'/organization/lawp d', '/organization/51wofang- ', '/organization/huizuche-com- '}
{'/organization/lawpd', '/organization/51wofang-', '/organization/huizuche-com-'}

Few names have unnecesary spaces

In [8]:
# Fixing spaces issue
companies.permalink = companies.permalink.str.replace(' ', '')
rounds2.company_permalink = rounds2.company_permalink.str.replace(' ', '')

check_for_equality(companies.permalink.unique(), rounds2.company_permalink.unique())
A: 66368, B: 66368, Intersection: 66368
They are the same
In [9]:
# Setting respective primary keys as index for both dataframes
companies.set_index('permalink', inplace=True)
rounds2.set_index('company_permalink', inplace=True)
In [10]:
# Creating Primary Key
master_frame = rounds2.join(companies)
print(f"There are {len(master_frame)} observations in master_frame.")

There are 114949 observations in master_frame.
funding_round_permalink funding_round_type funding_round_code funded_at raised_amount_usd name homepage_url category_list status country_code state_code region city founded_at
/organization/-fame /funding-round/9a01d05418af9f794eebff7ace91f638 venture B 05-01-2015 10000000.0 #fame Media operating IND 16 Mumbai Mumbai NaN
/organization/-qounter /funding-round/22dacff496eb7acb2b901dec1dfe5633 venture A 14-10-2014 NaN :Qounter Application Platforms|Real Time|Social Network... operating USA DE DE - Other Delaware City 04-09-2014
/organization/-qounter /funding-round/b44fbb94153f6cdef13083530bb48030 seed NaN 01-03-2014 700000.0 :Qounter Application Platforms|Real Time|Social Network... operating USA DE DE - Other Delaware City 04-09-2014
/organization/-the-one-of-them-inc- /funding-round/650b8f704416801069bb178a1418776b venture B 30-01-2014 3406878.0 (THE) ONE of THEM,Inc. Apps|Games|Mobile operating NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
/organization/0-6-com /funding-round/5727accaeaa57461bd22a9bdd945382d venture A 19-03-2008 2000000.0 Curated Web operating CHN 22 Beijing Beijing 01-01-2007

Finding average funding Amounts by Type

In [11]:
# Frequency of every type of funding
venture                  55494
seed                     30524
debt_financing            6895
angel                     6094
undisclosed               4897
equity_crowdfunding       3257
private_equity            2285
grant                     2200
convertible_note          1817
post_ipo_equity            638
product_crowdfunding       410
non_equity_assistance      191
post_ipo_debt              152
secondary_market            95
Name: funding_round_type, dtype: int64
In [12]:
# We can drop all rows which are not of type venture, seed, angel, private_equity
master_frame = master_frame[master_frame.funding_round_type.isin(['venture', 'seed', 'angel', 'private_equity'])]
In [46]:
round_types = master_frame.funding_round_type.value_counts()

# Create a pieplot
plt.pie(round_types.values, labels=round_types.index, radius=1.5, wedgeprops = { 'linewidth' : 6, 'edgecolor' : 'white' })

# add a circle at the center
my_circle=plt.Circle( (0,0), 1, color='white')
venture           55494
seed              30524
angel              6094
private_equity     2285
Name: funding_round_type, dtype: int64
In [49]:
# Average funding amount for venture type
venture_mean = master_frame[master_frame['funding_round_type']=='venture'].raised_amount_usd.mean()
print(f"Average funding amount raised: {round(venture_mean, 2)}")
Average funding amount raised: 11748949.13
In [50]:
# Average funding amount for angel type
angel_mean = master_frame[master_frame['funding_round_type']=='angel'].raised_amount_usd.mean()
print(f"Average funding amount raised: {round(angel_mean, 2)}")
Average funding amount raised: 958694.47
In [51]:
# Average funding amount for seed type
seed_mean = master_frame[master_frame['funding_round_type']=='seed'].raised_amount_usd.mean()
print(f"Average funding amount raised: {round(seed_mean, 2)}")
Average funding amount raised: 719818.0
In [52]:
# Average funding amount for private equity type
equity_mean = master_frame[master_frame['funding_round_type']=='private_equity'].raised_amount_usd.mean()
print(f"Average funding amount raised: {round(equity_mean, 2)}")
Average funding amount raised: 73308593.03
In [71]:
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16))
ax1 = plt.subplot(4, 4, 1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(4, 4, 3)
sns.barplot(x=round_types.index, y=[venture_mean, seed_mean, angel_mean, equity_mean], ax=ax1)
sns.barplot(x=round_types.index[1:3], y=[seed_mean, angel_mean], ax=ax2)
In [22]:
# Finding ideal investment type
inv_dict = {'venture': venture_mean, 'angel': angel_mean, 'seed': seed_mean, 'equity': equity_mean}
for inv_type in inv_dict:
    if inv_dict[inv_type] > 5000000 and inv_dict[inv_type] < 15000000:
        print(f"Ideal investment type for Spark Funds is: {inv_type}")
Ideal investment type for Spark Funds is: venture

Top English speaking countries to invest in (with highest funding for chosen type)

In [83]:
# top 9 countries with the highest venture type funding   
top9 = master_frame[master_frame['funding_round_type']=='venture'].groupby('country_code').sum().sort_values('raised_amount_usd', ascending=False).head(9)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.barplot(x=top9.index, y=top9.values.ravel())

print(top9, '\n')
print("Top 3 english speaking countries in order are: USA, GBR, IND")
USA                4.225108e+11
CHN                3.983542e+10
GBR                2.024563e+10
IND                1.439186e+10
CAN                9.583332e+09
FRA                7.259537e+09
ISR                6.907515e+09
DEU                6.346960e+09
JPN                3.363677e+09 

Top 3 english speaking countries in order are: USA, GBR, IND
In [85]:
# Generating a Primary Sector Column
master_frame['primary_sector'] = 0
master_frame['primary_sector'] = master_frame['category_list'].str.split('|', expand=True)
In [86]:
# correcting improperly decoded words from mapping.csv
sect_map['category_list'] = sect_map['category_list'].str.replace('0', 'na')
In [87]:
# set category_list as index column for mapping df
sect_map.set_index('category_list', inplace=True)
sect_map.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True)

# Generate dictionary of [primary_sec: main_sec] pairs
sector_dict = {idx: next(k for k in sect_map if row[k]==1)
     for idx, row in sect_map.iterrows()}
In [89]:
# map the main sectors using sector_dictionary
master_frame['main_sector'] = master_frame['primary_sector'].map(sector_dict)
In [93]:
# Drop all rows which couldn't get mapped (and we drop blanks as there are only 8 sectors)
master_frame.dropna(subset=['main_sector'], inplace=True)
master_frame = master_frame[master_frame['main_sector'] != 'Blanks']
sectors = master_frame.main_sector.value_counts()

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.barplot(x=sectors.values, y=sectors.index)

Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising    22485
Others                                     21201
News, Search and Messaging                 14156
Cleantech / Semiconductors                 12712
Entertainment                               6991
Health                                      6487
Manufacturing                               5683
Automotive & Sports                         1883
Name: main_sector, dtype: int64
In [30]:
master_frame[['name','primary_sector', 'main_sector']].head(10)
name primary_sector main_sector
/organization/-fame #fame Media Entertainment
/organization/-qounter :Qounter Application Platforms News, Search and Messaging
/organization/-qounter :Qounter Application Platforms News, Search and Messaging
/organization/-the-one-of-them-inc- (THE) ONE of THEM,Inc. Apps News, Search and Messaging
/organization/0-6-com Curated Web News, Search and Messaging
/organization/004-technologies 004 Technologies Software Others
/organization/0ndine-biomedical-inc Ondine Biomedical Inc. Biotechnology Cleantech / Semiconductors
/organization/0ndine-biomedical-inc Ondine Biomedical Inc. Biotechnology Cleantech / Semiconductors
/organization/0xdata Analytics Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising
/organization/0xdata Analytics Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising

We will choose to ignore any existing Nan values instead of dropping them altogether (As it changes certain properties such as entry counts)

In [97]:
# Aggregate of amount raised per round type
amount_per_type = master_frame.groupby('funding_round_type').agg({'raised_amount_usd': 'sum'})

plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16))
ax1 = plt.subplot(4, 4, 1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(4, 4, 3)

sns.barplot(x=amount_per_type.index, y=amount_per_type.values.ravel(), ax=ax1)
sns.barplot(x=amount_per_type.index[:3], y=amount_per_type.values.ravel()[:3], ax=ax2)

angel                    4.592013e+09
private_equity           1.396905e+11
seed                     1.672817e+10
venture                  5.808654e+11

Country-Wise Sector Analysis

Creating the three country-wise data frame filtered by venture type funding

In [32]:
condition_1 = (master_frame['funding_round_type']=='venture')
condition_2 = ( master_frame['raised_amount_usd'].isin(np.arange(5000000, 15000000 + 1)) )
condition = (condition_1 & condition_2)

c1 = master_frame[condition & (master_frame['country_code']=='USA')]
c2 = master_frame[condition & (master_frame['country_code']=='GBR')]
c3 = master_frame[condition & (master_frame['country_code']=='IND')]
In [33]:
# number of entries overall per sector in master_frame (all countries)
dic = master_frame['main_sector'].value_counts()
Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising    22485
Others                                     21201
News, Search and Messaging                 14156
Cleantech / Semiconductors                 12712
Entertainment                               6991
Health                                      6487
Manufacturing                               5683
Automotive & Sports                         1883
Name: main_sector, dtype: int64
In [34]:
def get_count_and_inv(df):
    Function that accepts dataframe and generates: 
    1) Column for total number (or count) of investments for each main sector.
    2) Column for total amount invested in each main sector
    3) Values for all questions in table 5.1
    dic = df['main_sector'].value_counts().to_dict()
    df['main_sector_count'] = df['main_sector'].map(dic).copy()
    dic = df[['main_sector', 'raised_amount_usd']].groupby(df['main_sector']).sum()['raised_amount_usd'].to_dict()
    df['main_sector_investment'] = df['main_sector'].map(dic).copy()
    sect_name = list(df.groupby('main_sector').count().sort_values('funding_round_permalink', ascending=False).head(3).index)
    sect_inv = list(df.groupby('main_sector').count().sort_values('funding_round_permalink', ascending=False).head(3)['funding_round_permalink'])
    top_sec_comp = list(df[df['main_sector'] == sect_name[0]].groupby('name').sum().sort_values('raised_amount_usd', ascending=False).head(1).reset_index()['name'])[0]
    second_sec_comp = list(df[df['main_sector'] == sect_name[1]].groupby('name').sum().sort_values('raised_amount_usd', ascending=False).head(1).reset_index()['name'])[0]
    For {c}:
          Total number of investments: {df.funding_round_permalink.count()}
          Total amount of investments: {df.raised_amount_usd.sum()}
          Top sector name: {sect_name[0]}
          Second sector name: {sect_name[1]}
          Third sector name: {sect_name[2]}
          Number of investments in top sector: {sect_inv[0]}
          Number of investments in second sector: {sect_inv[1]}
          Number of investments in third sector: {sect_inv[2]}
          Company that recieved highest investment in top sector was: {top_sec_comp}
          Company that recieved highest investment second sector was: {second_sec_comp}          
for df, c in zip((c1, c2, c3), ('USA', 'GBR', 'IND')):
    For USA:
          Total number of investments: 12012
          Total amount of investments: 107318294664.0
          Top sector name: Others
          Second sector name: Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising
          Third sector name: Cleantech / Semiconductors
          Number of investments in top sector: 2950
          Number of investments in second sector: 2714
          Number of investments in third sector: 2300
          Company that recieved highest investment in top sector was: Virtustream
          Company that recieved highest investment second sector was: SST Inc. (Formerly ShotSpotter)          

    For GBR:
          Total number of investments: 619
          Total amount of investments: 5365228300.0
          Top sector name: Others
          Second sector name: Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising
          Third sector name: Cleantech / Semiconductors
          Number of investments in top sector: 147
          Number of investments in second sector: 133
          Number of investments in third sector: 128
          Company that recieved highest investment in top sector was: Electric Cloud
          Company that recieved highest investment second sector was: Celltick Technologies          

    For IND:
          Total number of investments: 328
          Total amount of investments: 2949543602.0
          Top sector name: Others
          Second sector name: Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising
          Third sector name: News, Search and Messaging
          Number of investments in top sector: 110
          Number of investments in second sector: 60
          Number of investments in third sector: 52
          Company that recieved highest investment in top sector was:
          Company that recieved highest investment second sector was: Manthan Systems          


In [35]:
funding_round_permalink funding_round_type funding_round_code funded_at raised_amount_usd name homepage_url category_list status country_code state_code region city founded_at primary_sector main_sector main_sector_count main_sector_investment
/organization/0xdata /funding-round/e1cfcbe1bdf4c70277c5f29a3482f24e venture A 19-07-2014 8900000.0 Analytics operating USA CA SF Bay Area Mountain View 01-01-2011 Analytics Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising 2714 2.380738e+10
/organization/1-mainstream /funding-round/b952cbaf401f310927430c97b68162ea venture NaN 17-03-2015 5000000.0 1 Mainstream Apps|Cable|Distribution|Software acquired USA CA SF Bay Area Cupertino 01-03-2012 Apps News, Search and Messaging 1582 1.395957e+10
/organization/128-technology /funding-round/fb6216a30cb566ede89e0bee0623a634 venture NaN 16-12-2014 11999347.0 128 Technology Service Providers|Technology operating USA MA Boston Burlington 07-07-2014 Service Providers Others 2950 2.632101e+10
/organization/1366-technologies /funding-round/424129ce1235cfab2655ee81305f7c2b venture C 15-10-2013 15000000.0 1366 Technologies Manufacturing operating USA MA Boston Bedford 01-01-2007 Manufacturing Manufacturing 799 7.258553e+09
/organization/1366-technologies /funding-round/6d3f3797371956ece035b8478c1441b2 venture C 09-04-2015 5000000.0 1366 Technologies Manufacturing operating USA MA Boston Bedford 01-01-2007 Manufacturing Manufacturing 799 7.258553e+09


In [36]:
funding_round_permalink funding_round_type funding_round_code funded_at raised_amount_usd name homepage_url category_list status country_code state_code region city founded_at primary_sector main_sector main_sector_count main_sector_investment
/organization/365scores /funding-round/48212f931f542fdef78810bc87aef086 venture B 29-09-2014 5500000.0 365Scores Android|Apps|iPhone|Mobile|Sports operating GBR H9 London London 01-01-2008 Android Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising 133 1.089404e+09
/organization/7digital /funding-round/b5ad7ed7baddd3974bd51403f17dd88f venture A 01-01-2008 8468328.0 7digital Content Creators|Content Delivery|Licensing|Mu... acquired GBR H9 London London 01-01-2004 Content Creators Entertainment 56 4.827847e+08
/organization/7digital /funding-round/eafacfcceb1fbc4fd605f641b603313e venture NaN 19-10-2012 10000000.0 7digital Content Creators|Content Delivery|Licensing|Mu... acquired GBR H9 London London 01-01-2004 Content Creators Entertainment 56 4.827847e+08
/organization/90min /funding-round/21a2cbf6f2fb2a1c2a61e04bf930dfe6 venture NaN 06-10-2015 15000000.0 90min Media|News|Publishing|Soccer|Sports operating GBR H9 London London 01-01-2011 Media Entertainment 56 4.827847e+08
/organization/90min /funding-round/bd626ed022f5c66574b1afe234f3c90d venture NaN 07-05-2013 5800000.0 90min Media|News|Publishing|Soccer|Sports operating GBR H9 London London 01-01-2011 Media Entertainment 56 4.827847e+08


In [37]:
funding_round_permalink funding_round_type funding_round_code funded_at raised_amount_usd name homepage_url category_list status country_code state_code region city founded_at primary_sector main_sector main_sector_count main_sector_investment
/organization/-fame /funding-round/9a01d05418af9f794eebff7ace91f638 venture B 05-01-2015 10000000.0 #fame Media operating IND 16 Mumbai Mumbai NaN Media Entertainment 33 2.808300e+08
/organization/21diamonds-india /funding-round/6de7ffef8091ba9f33821f4b861f434a venture C 15-11-2012 6369507.0 21Diamonds E-Commerce operating IND 10 New Delhi Gurgaon 01-06-2012 E-Commerce Others 110 1.013410e+09
/organization/a-little-world /funding-round/18d98f82ed392b1609975b81f3e8b3fb venture B 09-09-2008 6410000.0 A LITTLE WORLD Finance operating IND 16 Mumbai Mumbai 02-03-2000 Finance Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising 60 5.505496e+08
/organization/adlabs-imagica /funding-round/508d3c83daaae9fda3ba6f9682c78f6c venture NaN 28-10-2014 8180000.0 Adlabs Imagica Entertainment|Tourism operating IND 16 IND - Other Khopoli NaN Entertainment Entertainment 33 2.808300e+08
/organization/agile /funding-round/cd3dd1c98ce9d0f632d8752163941674 venture A 01-05-2011 5740000.0 Agile Finance|Finance Technology|FinTech|Insurance operating IND 16 Mumbai Mumbai NaN Finance Social, Finance, Analytics, Advertising 60 5.505496e+08

Exporting master_frame to csv

In [38]: